Common terms used across Platform
Auction - an x-axis division on the chart corresponding to a single future date. The goal of each auction is to predict an end-of-day closing value (target) for the referenced financial asset. Auctions open 30 calendar days and close 3 days before the target is known. Thus, there are always 27 days per chart open for forecast submission, including weekends and public holidays.
Chart - a line graph of a predicted price trend of a financial index which consists of 27 daily forward auctions. Charts are core building blocks of
Score - a numeric value assigned to each forecast based on precision, time and consensus measures. The user's total score for the auction is a sum of all scores of all forecasts submitted during the life span of an auction. Score multiplier - an approximation of the combination of both time and maverick bonuses (as described in Scoring and Awards section above) for each submitted forecast. Score multiplier is a "risk-and-reward" measure demonstrating how the award will increase (if submitted forecast is correct) compared to forecasting for the earliest date available and closest to forecast. The higher the multiplier, the greater the reward will be for the same level of numerical precision. forecast - our latest prediction of what the target is going to be. For the forecast currently displayed on the forecasting chart, the Platform calculated a time-decay-weighed average of all the submissions for the given asset, and the value is updated with each new forecast recorded. Other types of forecasts might be created in the future, but only the forecast is used to calculate scores.
Target - the actual official closing value for the reference index (according to its own rules) or a compound value calculated according to the rules laid out in the Forecasting Rules section above.
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