Token Nature
The Nature of XELO
XELO is a utility token that its holder may only use to exchange for's products and services via the platform. It does not represent a monetary claim on and does not create evidence of any obligation of to a tokenholder. has the right to deliver to a tokenholder its relevant products or services through the platform in exchange for XELO. does not assume any obligation to make payment in any fiat or cryptocurrency to a XELO holder in exchange for XELOs.
XELO token does not represent any stablecoin, and its price will be decided exclusively by the market conditions. XELO may be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges and can be highly volatile. As a result, its value may fluctuate from time to time, and it can have no value. accepts no liability for XELOβs loss of value, will not seek to stabilize such value in any manner, and does not guarantee any minimum value of XELO. In addition, there is no guarantee for the liquidity of XELO.
XELO is not a transferable security in any jurisdiction. No holder of XELO will be entitled to any share of Solex.aiβs capital, profit or revenue, nor will a tokenholder have a right to receive any other payment or benefit from XELO does not evidence ownership or control of XELO will not allow its holder to vote on matters relating to Solex.aiβs business or trade. However, may consult with tokenholders on issues that may deem appropriate at its sole discretion. The outcome of any such consultations will not be binding on
Although cannot exclude that third parties might be willing to accept XELO as a means of payment, we do not encourage the use of XELO other than as a means of exchange for our services through the platform. does not accept liability for any claims of third parties stating the use of XELO for payment, exchange or transfer of value.
XELO may not be appropriate for everyone. Before entering into any transaction involving XELO, a prospective purchaser should do the necessary research and take steps to ensure that they fully understand the platform, Solex.aiβs business model and XELO. Each prospective purchaser of XELO should also seek independent legal, tax, investment and regulatory advice before purchasing XELO and make an independent assessment of the appropriateness of such purchase in light of their objectives and circumstances.
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